Happy Pride!

A couple of definitions of Pride from my Dictionary app:

1. A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements,
the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities
or possessions that are widely admired.

2. Confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one
that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture,
and experience.

A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from …qualities or possessions that
are widely admired. This is what we hope the students registered with The Sharing Tree
feel when they see their new school supplies and can pick out their own backpacks on
Distribution Night. Their experience with ‘school supply shopping’ is not what my 3
kids experienced. There was excitement and choice. My kids got to go to the store and
choose the colors and designs of their pencil cases, folders, etc. and pick out their
own backpacks. Families registered with The Sharing Tree wait in line in their cars for
their turn to get their pre-bundled school supplies (they do receive their classroom
teacher requested supplies, not random things) and choose their backpacks also from
their cars. These precautions remain in place due to Covid. We don’t skimp on poorer
quality supplies for these students: we buy Crayola, Texas Instruments, Elmer’s, and
other well respected brands. When they arrive on their first day of school we equip
them with the same supplies they see their peers with. We want and hope they do feel
a sense of pride in their possessions. And in themselves.

I’m the Proud mom of a Transgender daughter. We know we serve members of the
LGBTQ+ community. You will find allies in those of us associated with The Sharing
Tree. We see you and support you.

We want to thank the 50+ of you who have already registered. Thank you so much for
being on it, we appreciate it! Online registration is open now through July 31st.

Happy Pride & Happy Summer Break!
Cindy L. Leonard, Director,
The Sharing Tree